allotypic specificity

allotypic specificity
аллотипическая специфичность

Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.

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Смотреть что такое "allotypic specificity" в других словарях:

  • antigen — Any substance that, as a result of coming in contact with appropriate cells, induces a state of sensitivity and/or immune responsiveness after a latent period (days to weeks) and that reacts in a demonstrable way with antibodies and/or immune… …   Medical dictionary

  • determinant — The factor that contributes to the generation of a trait. [L. determans, determining, limiting] allotypic determinants antigenic determinants of allotypes. antigenic d. the particular chemical group of a molecule that determines immunological… …   Medical dictionary

  • Monoclonal antibody therapy — Each antibody binds only one specific antigen. Monoclonal antibody therapy is the use of monoclonal antibodies (or mAb) to specifically bind to target cells or proteins. This may then stimulate the patient s immune system to attack those cells.… …   Wikipedia

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